Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Refusing to Douse the Scribe Fire

Writing is my passion.

Over the last year, I have allowed painting to become an obstacle. Don't get me wrong, I got paid handsomely for completing a mural project and teaching some art classes, but writing is what I want to do first and foremost. I can't allow my artwork to get me so sidetracked that I fall off-course.

I started a memoir in 2002. While attending a writer's conference that year, I was chatting with a fellow writer and she asked me a question about my book. After sharing my emotional answer, she said, "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think you're ready to write your book yet."

She was right.

I put my book on hold and pursued other interests. I continued to research my topic, read books on the subject, surf the Internet, journal my feelings, and attend writers conferences, but didn't work on my book. The time would come when I could get back to writing, and when it did, I would pursue it wholeheartedly.

In April of 2007, the issue surrounding my book got resolved, giving me the clear mind I needed to once again pick up the pencil . . . er . . . laptop, and get back to work.

In August 2007, I discovered YourHub ( sponsored by the Gazette in Colorado Springs. It was the perfect outlet--posting dozens of stories about my neighborhood, family, church, and friends caused the scribe fire inside me to burn even brighter, awakening me to a Truth I've been snuffing out for years: I am a writer.

Getting married in 2005 provided an extra income I've never enjoyed before. I had been a single mother of three kids for 18 years before I married my husband, and never had the luxury of staying home to write full time. Being the supportive, hardworking husband he is, Greg gave me his blessing to resign in November 2007 to pursue my dreams, so I jumped at this chance to stoke the fire!

We knew we'd have to forego vacations, cut back on our spending, and that money would be really tight, but I didn't think it would get this bad. With the economy taking a nosedive, gas and food prices skyrocketing, and his summer hours being cut by almost half, we're facing a lot of challenges that we didn't take into consideration, even foreclosure.

I remember several years ago after my sister got married, her husband was frequently out of work while she worked two and three jobs to support him. At the time, I thought he was a slacker and a lousy husband for forcing her to be the sole provider--did she agree to this before they said "I do"? Why couldn't he just get a job to tide them over until he got his big break? He refused. His stubbornness paid off--seven years later, he's very successful in his field, they bought a new house in an upscale neighborhood in Burbank, CA, and she's a stay-at-home mother of two. Now that the shoe is on my foot, I understand why he did what he did and admire him for staying true to his dreams. And I admire my sister for her faithfulness even though at the time I thought she was a fool for staying with him.

I have so much to learn about marriage.

So, do I release the white-knuckled stranglehold on my dream and get a "paying" job, knowing we could lose the house because of my stubbornness? Or do I relax my grip just a little, maybe get a part-time job to help out for a while, but continue to write in the evenings, knowing things might come up that will force me to let go forever? How much longer do I persevere before my "big break" comes? I wonder how often my brother-in-law asked himself the same questions.

If I'm going "back to work," it's gonna' be something I really enjoy doing! I applied for a cake decorator job and got it! It's part time, I have to work Sundays (what a drag!), and have to rearrange my entire writing schedule and possibly miss some meetings because of my new job (bigger drag!). Last night, knowing I was reporting at 9:30 a.m. this morning, I could not fall asleep. I had many unanswered questions, I saw my writing dream floating away, and I saturated my pillow with tears.

But like a good new employee, I got up and reported on time for my first day. When I was told my starting wages, I was crushed! If I was going to make this big of a sacrifice, I needed to be well-compensated and this amount was not going to cut it. Granted, I don't have retail experience and the cakes I've done have been out of my home, but this was not an income that would make me excited to get out of bed every morning instead of staying home to write.

My book loomed before me. "Are you sure you want to sell out for this?" it jeered.

I informed the manager that I'd have to turn down the offer. She understood. Next time I'll ask what my pay will be before I accept!

I did cartwheels in the parking lot back to my car . . . well . . . at least on the inside I did! I felt like I had sprouted wings and could fly! I headed back home to my husband, to my book, to my dream!

My husband was surprised to see me back so soon. I explained what happened and he got a big grin on his face. "I don't know why you applied for the job in the first place! We'll be okay, Honey! I'll even work for the temp agency during the weeks I'm home. Now get back to your proposal!"

When I mentioned I wanted to write on the back patio for a change of scenery, he set up the patio table, umbrella, and a tarp to protect me from the sun (I'm taking advantage of the 66-degree November weather!). He gathered my laptop and books out of my upstairs office, set up a side table, got me a Diet Coke, and asked if there was anything else I needed. Hmm . . . let me think about that . . . just a kiss from the most amazing man on the entire planet!

My book is going to be dedicated to Greg Johnson! No one else believes in me and supports me the way my husband does! (Anita Romero runs a close second!) I am SO BLESSED to have him, and I certainly don't take him for granted. If he believes in me this much, what do I think I'm doing piping icing?

As I sat at the table, I took a brief moment to check my e-mail. My inbox contained messages from Tim Bergsten, editor of YourHub, and the man who emceed the YourHub Second Anniversary Party. I asked him for his "script" from what he said about me so that I could include it in my YourHub scrapbook, and possibly in my book proposal.

Here's his e-mail:

I’m pretty sure this person is the most prolific writer on YourHub, her byline has appeared right at 200 times online and she keeps the YourHub east papers filled with colorful feature stories. And her words are popular, I know because my phone rings off the hook with callers praising her stories. When you work at a newspaper, calls of encouragement are sometimes few and far between.

This summer we met with this lady and told her we were interested in stories about how people might be feeling the pinch from a slumping economy and the price of gas and what sort of actions people might be taking to save a buck.

She went home, jumped on her bike, and vowed to be a bicycle commuter. After a couple of rides, she wrote this limerick to start a story titled Gas Boycott Update… on YourHub...

Twelve miles to and from church I rode my bike,
To boycott the outrageous gas price hikes.
I need better shocks
And firmer buttocks
For this to be a ride that I like!

I could go on and on about her and before the night’s over, I might do that. But I am proud to present the YourHub East Zone Citizen Journalist of the Year Hubcap to Stephanie Johnson.

I was blown away because I hadn't posted 200 stories! Looking back now, after adding my blog entries and the stories about my husband, that number sounds about right.

Drifting among the clouds while hugging my Hubcap, I half-tuned out what came next for overall winner:

This was a tough decision because there are several people whose contributions, whose opinions and suggestions, have made YourHub successful.

This person has grasped the idea behind YourHub. She understands that YourHub was created for citizens to write about their neighborhoods, their clubs, school, their church. We call it hyper-local, the news from your street, the news about the people and places close to you.

The Citizen Journalist of the Year has written a detailed series of articles about a remodeling overhaul at her church. She created and wrote two series titled Inspiring Women and Women of Courage, telling us about Colorado Springs residents who have survived destructive relationships, drug and alcohol abuse to live the life they had dreamed of, stories of people who are raising their grandkids, who against the odds earned a college degree and are making it happen for themselves.

She’s written movie reviews, stories about teaching art at the Bemis Art School, and stories about new businesses she has discovered.

She is an excellent writer, using her head to write information that is valuable, and her heart to write with passion.

I don’t think things happen by accident, and though we didn’t know it at the time, I think we created YourHub for Stephanie Johnson. And it is my honor to present her with the Hubcap for YourHub Citizen Journalist of the Year.

When Tim began the introduction for overall journalist, I was excited to hear who would win. I didn't figure out he was talking about me again until he mentioned my "Inspiring Women" series! After that, I missed most of what he said because I was holding my sobbing in check so as not to cause too much commotion. I simply can't describe the tsunami of emotions that swept over me at realizing I had won overall Journalist of the Year, too! Reading it even now in black and white is causing new tears to flow.

Tim also attached a picture that a photographer captured of me accepting my second award. As Tim's accolades sink in and I see the look on my face that says it all, I realize I made the right decision by turning down the job . . . that I AM A WRITER, and writers write, not decorate cakes. Sure, I'll paint once in a while and do a cake for a friend now and again, but first and foremost, I am a writer, so I will continue to do just that.

Even if it means becoming homeless.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

YourHub Awards

This was an e-mail I just sent my friends about YourHub's Second Anniversary Party on 11/13/2008:

YourHub's Second Anniversary party on Thursday, November 13th, will forever be a night for me to remember--I'm still pinching myself! It ranks right up there with the births of my children and my wedding day! Yeah, it really was "that big" for me! I feel like my worth as a writer has been confirmed, that I'm on the right track, and that I need to keep doing what I'm doing.

Many of you already know that YourHub was the catalyst for me resigning from my full-time job last November to pursue writing my book full time and doing some painting. When the Gazette's YourHub editor, Tim Bergsten, "personally invited me" to the party, I told him I had already seen the ad in the paper and wouldn't dream of missing it. I fantasized about winning the East Hub's Journalist of the Year, but wasn't positive it was a real possibility--I sure didn't want to get my hopes up. But when he wrote, "DO NOT miss it," I thought I might have a pretty good chance.

Well, I'm THRILLED to report that I WON! I was presented with the "2008 Eastern Zone YourHub Citizen Journalist of the Year!" Yahoo! I was crying tears of joy, let me tell ya'! I was shaking with excitement as I went up to accept my "Silver Hubcap Award" (how clever!). Tim leaned over to shake my hand and said, "I'll be down later to give you a hug." How sweet! (Tim and I also attend drawing classes together at Cottonwood--he's an extremely talented artist and is currently taking oil painting classes.)

So, the night is wearing on and my fellow Hubbers, Dianne Perea (2007 Northern Zone Journalist of the Year recipient) and Earl Chang (who graciously attended Radiant's Grand Re-Opening Party in September to see my mural work), my husband (who just got home after 16 days on an oil rig in Rifle, just worked a 12-hour shift, and drove 7 hours from Rifle, to Grand Junction, then to Colorado Springs, should really have gone to bed instead of accompanying me! What a saint!), and I are munching on our crackers and cheese, and they start to announce the overall Photographer, Journalist, and Story of the Year.

I was only half-paying attention to hearing about the Journalist of the Year who had had "200 bylines" in the past year because I only have 98 stories so far (in 15 months), but when Tim began reading the limerick I wrote for my Gas Boycott story, I stopped mid-broccoli and began crying again! (Dianne snapped a few of me and Greg during this very emotional moment for me) Tim went on to mention my "Women of Courage Success Stories," "Inspiring Women Series," and even my "Radiant Church Makeover" stories.

Would you believe I won OVERALL Journalist of the Year as well??? I could barely walk up to the stage to receive my second Silver Hubcap Award because my eyes were overflowing with so many happy tears! This time Tim came down to give me a hug (When he said earlier that he would hug me later, I thought he was talking about after the awards part, not for my "second" award!)! I was totally blown away! What an incredible night!

Many people I've met "bash" YourHub because it's "citizen journalism": you don't get paid, your work isn't edited (except glaring mistakes, per Tim), nor does it "really count" (try telling that to anyone who's won an award or seen their stories in print!). But the euphoria I felt Thursday night was even greater than when my first article appeared in a magazine over ten years ago! I still get a rush every time I see one of my stories in the weekly insert--it will never get old for me. And I get "fan mail!" How cool is that? Many people came up to me afterwards and congratulated me, shook my hand, and asked me questions--I felt like a star! Who knows, my awards might look really good on a book proposal as well?

Writing for YourHub gives me good practice, I have a goal of posting at least one story per week on the Web site, and I'm honing my skills all at the same time (and the gift cards I won will pay for a new camera, so I guess I "got paid" after all!). So, if you haven't joined yet, I encourage you to do so: If you have already registered, I encourage you to make it a goal to post stories on a regular basis. Not only do you get to write to your heart's content about anything and everything (YourHub even publishes my UNCENSORED stories about my faith), but you also get to meet other fantastic writers, network/barter, and attend parties!

Here's the link to the announcement on the Web site if you want to check it out:

So, I just wanted to toot my own horn for a bit. Thanks for indulging me (I hope I'm not coming across as vain!). I am so ecstatic, though, what a way to be validated as a writer! God is so good--I give Him all the glory!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Wow! Where on earth has all the time gone? I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to update my blog! Shame on me! So much has been going on, I don't know where to start.

As an aside, I'm embarrassed that I thought and were the same sites. No wonder I couldn't find my "I Am a Writer" blog when I signed in! I can really be dense sometimes, but I'm still so new to all this blogging stuff, so don't laugh, okay? I decided to consolidate all my blogs into one spot, so I copied and pasted my old entries and started this new one here.

So . . . let's see . . . where did I leave off . . .?

I formed Clio's Club in March and held our first meeting in April at Panera Bread on Powers next to Best Buy, and two other writers showed up. We talked about the projects we're working on, what we were looking for in a writers' group, possible topics to discuss, etc.

For the second meeting in May, no one showed! Bummer. I figured the meeting hadn't gotten the same exposure as the first in the Gazette YourHub insert, so I made use of the time by working on my book.

By the third meeting in June, I was really wondering if people didn't like me, so I checked YourHub Events only to discover I hadn't made it a "recurring event." DOH! I think it turned out better that way because I was too busy with other stuff going on for me to start up yet another writer's meeting. I decided not to continue.

Also in April, I was asked by Radiant Church to paint some classroom murals in the Early Childhood Wing as part of their Extreme Makeover (see my "Stephanie Johnson Murals" blog), so several months flew by as I worked on that project. In the meantime, I was still attending Old Colorado City Writer's Group, Pikes Peak Writers, and Springs Writers meetings.

OCCWG started a new critique group in June and I'd been attending those meetings in addition to the general monthly writers' meeting. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism on my manuscript, and have implemented many suggestions. One author, Jon Horton, highly recommended I work the book into a magazine article, as the topic is very "hot" and could land me a nice chunk-o-change. I'll have to research the possibilities on that one.

The Co-Organizer of OCCWG, David Esker, relinquished his title and duties while I was out of town but I didn't get the e-mail, so when I found out, I volunteered for the position. After all, I take all the minutes during our meetings anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to pick this responsibility up as well, especially after Karen gave me her blessing to start up OCCWG as a group on Facebook.

When Greg accepted a new job in August in Rifle, we were gone for the entire month of September, living in a tent at Rifle Gap State Park, and by the time I came "home," the critique group had disbanded. Deb Buckingham and Anita Romero, members of OCCWG, have continued attending the Writers Write Tuesday meeting of OCCWG, so we all go to that meeting faithfully.

Disappointed with the direction OCCWG was headed, Deb decided to form her own meetup group and "borrowed" the name "Writers Write." (The name comes from Karen Linamen, who constantly reminds us that "writers write," and encourages us to do exactly that.) Deb took the liberty of adding OCCWG's Tuesday meeting to her group's calendar as well, so now the meeting has double exposure. Deb added me as the Co-Organizer to Writers Write, but so far she hasn't delegated any work for me to do. Anita is the Meeting Facilitator, and does a fantastic job of guiding the meeting discussion.

Moving right along . . . another group I attend is Springs Writers, founded by Scoti Domeij. I first heard about her group from Ted Weaver when I attended the American Christian Writers Conference where I first met Karen Linamen several years ago and have attended ever since. In March 2008, Springs Writers had Shana Schutte as a guest speaker. She talked about "writing juicy," "mind-mapping," overcoming writers block, and the different "hats" that writers wear: explorer's hat, artist beret, construction hardhat, combat helmet, etc. I took copius notes.

I would frequently see Shana at the Pikes Perk at Academy and Vickers where we met for Writers Write, so one day I finally got up enough nerve to tell Shana how much I enjoyed hearing her speak, even showing her her own business card that I had picked up after her talk. She commented that I must've met her somewhere previously since I prounounced her name correctly. I introduced Shana to my fellow writers, and over the weeks, she would pop in at our table to say hi and ask about our projects. I, for one, was star struck.

Weeks passed, and one day when I arrived late for a meeting, Deb shared with me that Shana had come over earlier and asked her if she had an agent (Deb writes "chick lit," and is working on a book titled "Out of the Box"). Deb told her no, so Shana asked her if she wanted one. Well, of course! (Was that a trick question?) I was so excited for Deb and the possibility that Shana might be able to hook her up with her own agent.

About a week or two later Deb, Anita, and I were busily typing away when Shana approached our table. To Deb's dismay, Shana announced that her agent didn't handle chick lit, but was looking for a writer with a "platform." I blurted, "I have a platform!" Shana asked me to send her an e-mail with details, and offered to send it along to her agent. I had had her e-mail from her business card, plus I had her Web site marked as a favorite, so I knew how to get in touch with her. I quickly sent off a paragraph or two about the memoir I was working on and waited for a response.

Weeks passed, and I was beginning to worry. I had seen Shana at Pikes Perk, but didn't want to harass her about my e-mail. She'd get back to me when she had an answer. Another week or two later, she let me know that her agent's grandmother had passed away and was out of town for the funeral, but as soon as she heard anything, she'd let me know.

In the meantime, I busied myself writing my memoir, finishing up the murals at the church, and doing the family thing with my kids who were visiting for the summer. I sort of of gave up hope that her agent would be interested, and put getting a response on the back burner as life got in the way.

One day, I checked my e-mail and saw a name I didn't recognize. The subject line read "Referral from Shana" and I immediately thought my daughter, Shaina, had somehow gotten into trouble at school (but the sender had misspelled her name)! That was ludicrous! Not my straight-A student. It was probably someone at the school needing a reference letter for a college scholarship program Shaina was applying for or something to that effect.

As I read the e-mail, I nearly peed my pants! It was Shana's agent and she asked me to send my book proposal and a sample chapter! OMG! All this time I could've been working on my proposal, but I convinced myself there was no way she'd be interested, so I simply didn't think about tackling it. Ohmygosh, did I, a WRITER, actually say that??

Where to begin???

"Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success" by W. Terry Whalin was a good start. I immediately got busy. Would I be able to finish it in a reasonable time so as not to make "Agent B" think I wasn't interested?

Then several roadblocks came along. My husband accepted a job in Rifle and, being the supportive wife I am, went with him, thinking it would be a week. I would head to the library to write, take notes, do research, etc. Slowly but surely, the proposal was developing, but the book took on a life of its own, metamorphosing into a how-to book instead of a memoir as I considered what the book had to offer the reader.

One week in the campground became four, and we couldn't afford the gas for me to drop Greg off at work every morning, go back to the library or tent, then make the circuit a second time every evening. So I was stuck at the campground, writing everything in longhand, but at least I was working on it! I was becoming resentful of being holed up in this campground with no Internet, electricity, cell service, laptop. But that's another story.

After a month, I begged Greg to let me stay home to work on my proposal in the comfort of my office, and he relented even though he really needed my company. I was so happy to get back to Writers Write and see "my girls!" I showed my spiral notebook to Anita and Deb, filled with my rough draft proposal, bibliography, and notes. They were impressed, but I shared with them how overwhelming it was, especially since the proposal had created a new monster. I chided myself for not starting months ago, even before Shana offered to ask her agent about it.

The next week, Anita asked me if my proposal was done.

"No," I answered sheepishly. She didn't want to hear my excuses. When I shared how I was still trying to figure out how to do the synopsis now that the direction of the book had changed, she said, "I think you should keep it a memoir. And I think you're dragging your feet."

I hung my head in shame--she knew me well. I even have a quote written on my office wall: Stop hiding from success because you're afraid you'll fail." I wasn't living my quotes!

Anita suggested, "Keep it a memoir and pitch it as a three-book series."

"But I've written the proposal as a memoir/how-to combination, with my daughter's point of view as the companion book! I can't change it now!"

She insisted. I argued. I gave reasons. I justified the changes.

She expounded on the benefits of a three-book pitch. She reassured my by saying, "Pitch it as a memoir, how-to, and companion three-book series. If she likes your proposal but doesn't like the three books, she'll tell you and make you rewrite the proposal. Keep in mind that whatever you submit will get rewritten anyway, so it's better to send her something now before she loses interest."

Anita was right.

So that's where I am now. I am rewriting the proposal, hoping to WOW "Agent B" with my outline, but frustrated that I need to change everything!!!

I'm sure I'll be thanking Anita when the agent offers me a contract.

And I'll be sure to list Anita's name second in my Acknowledgments, after my agent, of course.

Emergency Leads to Big Break and Other Updates

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to join a friend at a Career Fair at Wasson High School in Colorado Springs. She's the owner of a bakery, Creative Cakes, and taught me cake decorating which I now do as a side job. I was honored that she invited me, as I would be able to share insight with the students of being a "newbie" who was trying her hand at the business of cake decorating.

While there, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to write a story for YourHub, so I took out my pad of paper, pencil, and camera, and went to work taking candids and interviewing students and professionals ( I met the editor of Hispania News, and told him that I was a writer as well. We chatted a bit about the stories I write, and he invited me to talk to the kids about journalism! I was flattered!

The really big break was when he received an emergency phone call and had to leave for a couple of hours, so I was on my own! This was such a terrific opportunity for me. I spoke to the kids about my magazine articles that were published, how I spoke to some elementary school students about a career in writing, the stories I've posted on YourHub, and the book I'm working on. I was on a natural high the entire afternoon and well into the evening, and I hope my enthusiasm for writing was encouraging to some of them about pursuing a career as a writer, reporter, editor, etc.

Another update: I have scheduled a date for my new writer's group to begin: March 19 at 6:30 p.m. is the big day, and I decided to name it "Clio's Club" (see for details). I am looking forward to seeing how it goes, and how many people show up. I will be posting information on soon, so check back often.

More news: I have conducted several interviews lately about a ministry I used to be a part of, plus I did an interview for an addiction recovery ministry at my church. I'm really liking the entire interviewing process and have several more scheduled this month. Here are the links:

Women of Courage - Debra:

Women of Courage - Santina:

Celebrate Recovery - Buck and Carol:

Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Our church is also going through some renovations, and I interviewed the artists at the company doing all the work and will be posting that story after I get more information from the church. Exciting times! I'll keep you updated on all that's going on.

YourHub Kicks Off Writers Groups

I've been attending writer’s conferences for several years now. Last year, I joined two writer's groups in Colorado Springs: Springs Writers and Pikes Peak Writers. In August, I also became a "citizen journalist" on YourHub, a community website sponsored by the Gazette, our local newspaper. It is a fantastic venue to write about whatever you like!

Because YourHub is a "website community," I suggested to Kecia Seyb, the editor for the eastern Hubs, shortly after I joined that we start having regular meetings so we can meet other "Hubbers" (I coined that phrase to describe citizen journalists on YourHub) face-to-face to talk about ideas and socialize. She brought up the idea at their next staff meeting, and the folks at YourHub decided it would be a great idea.

This November, the Gazette hosted YourHub's "One Year Birthday" party and had a great turnout! They announced that they would start monthly meetings after the New Year. Also at the party, they awarded a laptop to the winner of Story of the Year (my story "The Popsicle Man," came in Third Place), and gave out certificates and gift cards for Writer of the Year and Photographer of the Year in each "Hub." (There are 15 total Hubs, separated into 4 regions.)

Wednesday, January 30th, was the kick-off meeting for YourHub's Writer's Groups. I was so excited to get a writer's group started in the Powers Hub that I couldn't sleep when I got home--I don't think it was entirely attributed to the mocha frappuccino I drank! Tim Bergsten with the Gazette opened the meeting and explained to the newcomers that "we" (the citizen journalists) can use YourHub any way we like to:

Talk about events in our neighborhoods
Solve neighborhood issues
Record our kids' achievements
Share recipes
Post photos
Document vacations
Tell stories
Sound off
Review movies and restaurants
Write blogs
Announce local events
List items for sale

Whatever we want! The sky is the limit and we have unlimited web space--we do have to keep it clean, of course.

Many of the stories are then pulled from the website and printed in the weekly insert that comes out on Thursdays and are in the subscription newspapers. I can still remember seeing my first story in print in the insert--it was a wonderful feeling! I wrote a story about a group of men playing football who left their trash behind in a brand new park in Colorado Springs, called America the Beautiful Park. It is home to one of the most amazing water fountains I've ever seen! Kecia loved the fact that I took pictures of the culprits, and the Gazette actually printed the photo in that week's insert. Here it is if you'd like to take a look:

Our guest speaker for this first meeting was Karen Linamen, one of my favorite authors and fellow Hubbers. Her topic was "Why Writer's Groups?" She explained how she formed the Old Colorado City Writer's Group (OCCWG) at and in a matter of weeks, they have 44 members. What does YourHub have to offer the members of OCCWG? Or any writer for that matter.

1. It's a chance to build a portfolio, online and in print.
2. It's a great way to give feedback to other members (she instructed to leave positive comments on the website, but constructive criticism should be sent privately).
3. It's a perfect opportunity to improve our skills, hone our craft, and meet deadlines.
4. You can connect with other like-minded creative people--she is amazed at the caliber of people, their skills, and the talent represented, not just in her group, but on YourHub too.

OCCWG meets once a month and follows a format. Nametags are important! Hershey's Kisses are given out as a reward for posting on YourHub in the past month (Karen doesn't go anywhere without chocolate!). Their first meeting was in November and the group's members have posted over 50 stories and 150 comments since then.

I am really looking forward to starting my own Writer's Group. I'll keep you posted with information as soon as it becomes available. Oh yeah, I'm thinking of calling it "Clio's Circle"--Clio being the Muse of History and Writing. Any other suggestions?

2008 Will be My Year!

Just to prove how little I know about blogging, I thought this blog I set up months ago was the same blogging-sphere as How embarrassing! So to consolidate my blogs into one place, I am moving those entries all to this account so that I'm not so spread out across the blog world.

I was appointed Editor-in-Chief of our school newspaper at Stephen Decatur Junior High School in Clinton, Maryland, in the early 80's. I enjoyed the process of writing, editing, cutting and pasting (back then it was with scissors and Scotch tape, not with Microsoft Word), and printing copies of our newspaper, then selling them during all three lunch periods. I couldn't wait to hear the students' comments about the various stories, essays, comics, song dedications, and advice columns written by me and my fellow journalists.

When I entered Surrattsville Senior High School, we didn't have a school newspaper, so that was a big let-down. I didn't have the wherewithal to start one, so I busied myself with being a member of the Art Club instead. My twelfth grade psychology teacher, Marcia Moody (wow, how I miss her!), introduced me to journaling, and I've been hooked ever since.

After becoming pregnant in 1987, my goal of continuing with college ended and my dream of becoming a journalist and/or artist faded. I took creative writing classes at community colleges through the years, but didn't dedicate the time and effort to my writing until 1993 when I wrote my first book. I gave up getting it published after only 3 rejection letters (now I know to expect about 300!). The book is outdated now, and will possibly be rewritten into non-fiction, but for now, it gathers dust.

In 1994, I broke into publication with my first article, "Breaking the Chain," in Biracial Child magazine. Shortly after that, Interrace magazine, the parent company of Biracial Child, published my second article, "How Come I'm Not Gray?" The rush of emotions of seeing my writing in print was a natural high that I'd never experienced before, and was one I hoped to experience again and again.

I have attended several writers' conferences through the years and now belong to writers' groups . In August 2007, I discovered citizen journalism on "YourHub" at After posting several stories and seeing my stories in print, the rush of emotions flooded back and ignited the writing passion again. Being able to write personal stories, persuasive essays, vent about certain topics, and blog about my weight loss journey ( have contributed to building that passion into a fire out of control. I became grumpy at work because I wanted to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a writer instead of answering the phone and typing leases. I knew a life-changing decision had to be made. And soon!

I married the man of my dreams, Gregory Johnson, on July 7, 2007. At the age of 40, he knew how desperately I wanted to write full time, so in October, with his blessing, and YourHub being the catalyst for me to decide to pursue my writing passion, I turned in my resignation. On November 2, 2007, I officially became a "writer," and couldn't be happier. I had been working on a new book since 2002, but couldn't dedicate the time and effort it needed because I was working full time, raising three children (I was a single mom before I got married), and doodling with my art (see my arts & crafts website at But now, I could put my heart and soul into my writing (and into my painting too, if I felt so inclined) and I'm determined to land a contract, or at least an agent, this year.

Through Pikes Peak Writers, I attended a "Write Brain" workshop this month (Jan. '08) hosted by Cynthia Morris, author of Create Your Writer's Life: A Guide to Writing with Joy and Ease. She had us go through several exercises of writing down our goals, what steps we needed to take to make our goals happen, how to ignore saboteurs, and give ourselves deadlines.

By reading Cynthia's book, I have come to a new appreciation of my life as a writer, and have followed much of her advice. I have my "Sanctuary" all set up (I painted a large mural on my wall along with several quotes throughout my office to inspire me), my laptop, my books, my research material, etc. right where I need them so I have no more excuses. I have 5 chapters (14,000+ words) of my book written so far. This blog will be my journey through the process, and I am claiming 2008 to be "My Year."

Some of my goals for 2008:

Join a critique group by February.
Finish the rough draft manuscript of my book by July.
Find an agent by October.
Land a contract by December.

So, I'll be back to blog about all my ups and downs, pulling all-nighters, overcoming writers block, posting encouraging sayings, sharing things I've learned, giving advice to myself, etc.

Please check back often on my progress and feel free to leave comments.