YourHub's Second Anniversary party on Thursday, November 13th, will forever be a night for me to remember--I'm still pinching myself! It ranks right up there with the births of my children and my wedding day! Yeah, it really was "that big" for me! I feel like my worth as a writer has been confirmed, that I'm on the right track, and that I need to keep doing what I'm doing.
Many of you already know that YourHub was the catalyst for me resigning from my full-time job last November to pursue writing my book full time and doing some painting. When the Gazette's YourHub editor, Tim Bergsten, "personally invited me" to the party, I told him I had already seen the ad in the paper and wouldn't dream of missing it. I fantasized about winning the East Hub's Journalist of the Year, but wasn't positive it was a real possibility--I sure didn't want to get my hopes up. But when he wrote, "DO NOT miss it," I thought I might have a pretty good chance.
Well, I'm THRILLED to report that I WON! I was presented with the "2008 Eastern Zone YourHub Citizen Journalist of the Year!" Yahoo! I was crying tears of joy, let me tell ya'! I was shaking with excitement as I went up to accept my "Silver Hubcap Award" (how clever!). Tim leaned over to shake my hand and said, "I'll be down later to give you a hug." How sweet! (Tim and I also attend drawing classes together at Cottonwood--he's an extremely talented artist and is currently taking oil painting classes.)
So, the night is wearing on and my fellow Hubbers, Dianne Perea (2007 Northern Zone Journalist of the Year recipient) and Earl Chang (who graciously attended Radiant's Grand Re-Opening Party in September to see my mural work), my husband (who just got home after 16 days on an oil rig in Rifle, just worked a 12-hour shift, and drove 7 hours from Rifle, to Grand Junction, then to Colorado Springs, should really have gone to bed instead of accompanying me! What a saint!), and I are munching on our crackers and cheese, and they start to announce the overall Photographer, Journalist, and Story of the Year.
I was only half-paying attention to hearing about the Journalist of the Year who had had "200 bylines" in the past year because I only have 98 stories so far (in 15 months), but when Tim began reading the limerick I wrote for my Gas Boycott story, I stopped mid-broccoli and began crying again! (Dianne snapped a few of me and Greg during this very emotional moment for me) Tim went on to mention my "Women of Courage Success Stories," "Inspiring Women Series," and even my "Radiant Church Makeover" stories.
Would you believe I won OVERALL Journalist of the Year as well??? I could barely walk up to the stage to receive my second Silver Hubcap Award because my eyes were overflowing with so many happy tears! This time Tim came down to give me a hug (When he said earlier that he would hug me later, I thought he was talking about after the awards part, not for my "second" award!)! I was totally blown away! What an incredible night!
Many people I've met "bash" YourHub because it's "citizen journalism": you don't get paid, your work isn't edited (except glaring mistakes, per Tim), nor does it "really count" (try telling that to anyone who's won an award or seen their stories in print!). But the euphoria I felt Thursday night was even greater than when my first article appeared in a magazine over ten years ago! I still get a rush every time I see one of my stories in the weekly insert--it will never get old for me. And I get "fan mail!" How cool is that? Many people came up to me afterwards and congratulated me, shook my hand, and asked me questions--I felt like a star! Who knows, my awards might look really good on a book proposal as well?
Writing for YourHub gives me good practice, I have a goal of posting at least one story per week on the Web site, and I'm honing my skills all at the same time (and the gift cards I won will pay for a new camera, so I guess I "got paid" after all!). So, if you haven't joined yet, I encourage you to do so: If you have already registered, I encourage you to make it a goal to post stories on a regular basis. Not only do you get to write to your heart's content about anything and everything (YourHub even publishes my UNCENSORED stories about my faith), but you also get to meet other fantastic writers, network/barter, and attend parties!
Here's the link to the announcement on the Web site if you want to check it out:
So, I just wanted to toot my own horn for a bit. Thanks for indulging me (I hope I'm not coming across as vain!). I am so ecstatic, though, what a way to be validated as a writer! God is so good--I give Him all the glory!
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